Friday, March 11, 2011

So much to say...

I dont even know where to begin. Well I left Bwaliro where I was staying before to go on a four day safari in Masai Mara! It was marvelous to see all the animals; Giraffes, Zebras, Lions and tourists! Our vehicle though almost flipped over and then got stuck in the mud. Practically the whole Masai village came out to push us out! We got quite lucky on the safari and saw the big five; leopard, rhino, hippo, elephant, and i forgot the last one. The animals seem not be bothered by the humans and some of them get right up next to the vehicle. There was a group of lions feasting on an antelope right next to the path and did not seem bothered by the multitude of vehicles observing them ripping flesh from the bone. I also visited the Masai village and learned a bit about their culture. I showed them my ipad which I think they equally enjoyed. It was truly wild and a lot of fun. I'm sorry I cant put pictures up because I am working with slow internet. Later I will come back and add them...

Right now I am in a place called Rongo near the city of Kisii. I am staying at a deaf school called Sam's Place. The whole day I've been teaching the children English. Luckily a good friend of mine from the US taught me how to sign a little bit. Using the sign language alphabet I taught them simple words like Girl, Boy, Dog and Cat. I think that they taught me more sign language though then I taught them English!

Sam's place is a big facility with support from a church in the US. Right next store is a small orphanage called Gift Academy. Huruma House, the charity organization I am working with, bought them some cows to begin a milking program to help feed the children there. All 22 children sleep in two small mud huts. They need a new building . So I am going to construct a new building nearby that will serve as their church and room to sleep in. Construction starts tomorrow...


  1. Hi Luke. Good luck with everything there. Lots of interesting projects to progress for sure!! Build three new buildings and Tomoko, Aki, Misa and I are happy to pay for two of them up to US$ 1,000. Advance the funds via local ATM and I'll cover you soon enough or send you cash as necessary. Lots of love, Paul

  2. Paul, On Monday Gift Academy will begin construction on a three-unit housing complex that they are going to rent out for continuing income to help care for the children. It is going to cost $14,300 to build it, and we (Huruma House) haven't finished raising all the funds for it. We are beginning construction anyway and just praying that the rest of the money will roll in before we need it. If it doesn't, I'm just going to need to dip into my personal savings. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know about that option if you are interested in helping out Gift Academy.
