Tuesday, March 29, 2011


My time in Kenya is coming to a close. I'm spending my last few days here teaching computers at Malanga secondary school and visiting the homes of a few HIV widows and orphans. What an incredible journey it has been since the moment I stepped off that plane. I cannot express to you the powerful effect being here has on the soul. I suggest everyone at least once in their lifetime to make a journey like this one if they can. Now its back to Singapore for me. There I am going to do some fund-raising to hopefully get another building at Gift Academy built such as school room, kitchen or dormitory. I want to get them a satellite dish installed so that they can start hosting football matches there and generate some income. There are so many exciting possibilities I see at Gift Academy all going to benefit the orphans. Oh another thing is I'm going to upload some pictures onto the blog posts that will give people a visual idea of what has been going on. I hope you like it!

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