Monday, March 14, 2011

The cows kept eating our goal posts...

Today was one of the best days of my life. I had never felt such a sense of fufuliment and purpose until I came here to Africa. The day began by a nice hot cup of sweet sweet chai. Then I met up with the director of Gift Academy to start purchasing supplies for the construction of a new building. After doing that we got back to the orphanage and I played soccer with the children. We used stalks as goal posts but a cow kept eating it! So we tied the cow around a tree far away and begun our game. (If you plan on coming to Africa and want to make friends with the little ones quickly just bring a football) Our game got interrupted though by a huge storm and I ran back to Sam's place where I am staying. When the stormed stopped I started playing with the deaf children. I saw one of the girls that I was teaching last week. Her notebook is just filled with scribbles and I'm worried that she's not learning. She was playing by picking up bricks and putting them in a wheelbarrow and carrying them around. I joined her in her pursuit which made her smile so I knew I was connecting with her a bit. We spent the afternoon playing the with bricks till eventually I picked her up and wheelbarrowed her around instead. This brought a giggle out. I then started to play with some other children but when I passed by her she kicked the ball to me which then made me smile and giggle. I had made a new friend. Nothing could be better...

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