Monday, February 28, 2011

A woman costs around 2 cows

Things here are still very tribal despite the strong prevailence of Christianity throughout the region. Many men have multiple wives with the only the first one being recognized by the church. They are considered property of the man and if he were to die his brother inherits her and his land. These tribal traditions cause a large number of widows and orphans with no way of supporting themselves after the husband dies. Many times the remaining family chases the widow and her children away to fend on her own. They end up being supported by a church and orphanage if they're lucky. A very sad and debilitating social system exists here with Christianity and western society the only hope for having people treated as human beings not as the property of another.

1 comment:

  1. There are many things that need to change in Kenya, and many things that need to change in western society as well. These are very interesting topics and I look forward to learning more about all fo them. They are all very complicated and I look forward to discussing them with you in the future.
